The Winter 2025 issue of Spero, newsletter of the Canadian Poverty Institute, is now available. This issue focuses on the Right to Social and Cultural Participation. Learn about the intersection between poverty and social and cultural rights, as well as the latest updates on the activities of the Canadian Poverty Institute. Read the latest issue here.
2024 Year In Review
The Canadian Poverty Institute celebrated some important milestones and achievements in 2024. Read all about our work over the past year in our annual Year in Review report.
CPI Advisory Committee - Call for Members
Are you passionate about ending poverty in Canada? Would you like to support an organization that works to make a difference by addressing the root causes of poverty? The Canadian Poverty Institute is seeking interested and qualified individuals to serve on its National Advisory Committee.
For more information and to view the call for members click here.
If you are interested in joining the National Advisory Committee of the Canadian Poverty Institute, please express your interest by email to prior to February 28th.
CPI Budget Submission to the Government of Alberta
The Canadian Poverty Institute provided recommendations to the Government of Alberta for spending priorities in the 2025 provincial budget. Read our submission here.
Fall Issue of Spero Released
The Fall issue of Spero, newsletter of the Canadian Poverty Institute, is now available. This issue focuses on the Right to an Adequate Income. Learn about aspects of income rights such as universal basic income, the Canada Disability Benefit, living wage, and social assistance reform. Read the latest issue here.
Sheila Regehr Named as Recipient of the Dr. John Rook Leadership Award for Poverty Reduction
The Canadian Poverty Institute is pleased to announce that Sheila Regehr has been named as the recipient of the inaugural Dr. John Rook Leadership Award for Poverty Reduction.
For the past 40 years, Sheila Regehr has been a powerful voice for those facing marginalization in Canada. Currently, she is a founding member and chair of Basic Income Canada, a national network advocating for a Universal Basic Income.
Previously, she served as the Executive Director of the National Council on Welfare as part of a 29-year career in the federal public service. During that time, she advocated for a range of important policies related to income security, taxation and gender equality.
Ms. Regehr also served as a Canadian negotiator at several United Nations world conferences on gender equality and social development, and chaired UN negotiations on poverty and unpaid work.
The Award will be presented on December 13th at Ambrose University. The Award presentation will also feature a keynote address by the Hon. Senator Kim Pate who will be speaking about Universal Basic Income.
The Dr. John Rook Leadership Award for Poverty Reduction is presented annually to an outstanding Canadian who has demonstrated exemplary leadership in working to end poverty and embodies the principles of the Canadian Poverty Institute. The award is named in honour of Dr. John Rook, founder of the Canadian Poverty Institute.
Please join us for the award ceremony on Friday December 13th at 1:00 at Ambrose University.
To register to attend please visit
Spero - Newsletter of the Canadian Poverty Institute (Spring 2024)
The Spring 2024 issue of Spero is now available. This issue celebrates the Canadian Poverty Institute’s 10th Anniversary. The Spring issue is available here.
Read about:
The History and Vision of the CPI
The CPI’s 10th Anniversary Celebration
The John Rook Leadership Award for Poverty Reduction
The 2024 Poverty Studies Summer Institute
The Social Inclusion for Economic Empowerment Project
Updates from the CPI
Student Research Assistant - Summer Job
Come work with us. The Canadian Poverty Institute is currently hiring for a Student Research Assistant for the Summer of 2024. The Research Assistant will:
Identify poverty related research and resources from academic and grey literature.
Prepare short abstract and bibliographic data for each resource.
Upload the resource to the Canadian Poverty Hub.
Maintain a database of resources.
Share resource acquisitions on social media platforms.
Enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate social science program.
Experience conducting literature reviews and basic social science research.
Familiarity with or interest in poverty issues and related research.
Between the ages of 15 and 30 years at the start of the employment.
A Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or person who has been granted refugee status in Canada under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Legally entitled to work in Canada in accordance with relevant provincial and territorial legislation and regulations. Intenational students are not eligible participants. Recent immigrants are eligible if they are Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
Job Details
Hourly rate: $20.00
Hours per week: 35
Remote / online work possible
Apply by sending a resume and cover letter to by Friday May 10th.
The Poverty of Risk: A Conversation About Equitable Access to Insurance
Insurance is a proven method for reducing risk, improving resilience, and promoting recovery from disruptive events. Yet some people face barriers to insurance, leaving them uninsured or under-insured and financially vulnerable. Join the Canadian Poverty Institute for an online conversation with Duncan Minty and Cheryl Evans about equity in insurance and improving access for people on the margins.
Wednesday February 28
9:00 - 10:30 (MT) / 11:00 - 12:30 (ET) ONLINE
Duncan Minty is an independent ethics adviser, specialising in insurance. As a Chartered Insurance Practitioner, he has a wide experience of how the market works. He has helped insurers on a variety of ethics projects over the past 21 years. He is the author of the Business Ethics Programme for the CII’s Fellowship qualification. He has engaged with academics researching insurance for several years and spoken at universities such as Bologna, Zurich, Manchester, Southampton and Leicester. He has a particular interest in the future of insurance and the implications of trends such as personalisation, optimisation, predictive analytics and panoptic regulation.
Cheryl Evans is the Director, Flood and Wildfire Resilience at the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation, Faculty of Environment, University of Waterloo. Cheryl Evans has over 20 years’ experience working in collaboration with residents, businesses, and communities to help them assess and address their unique climate-related risks, such as flooding, wildfire and extreme heat. She serves as a member of the Canadian Poverty Institute’s Fair Access to Insurance Roundtable at Ambrose University, and is the Canadian representative for the Commission for Environmental Cooperation’s Tri-National Environmental Justice Network. Cheryl is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Disaster and Emergency Management from Royal Roads University.
2023 Year in Review
As we begin 2024 it is a good time to look back and reflect on the accomplishments of the past year. For the Canadian Poverty Institute, 2023 was a year of tremendous activity as we continued to pursue our mission “to advance the eradication of poverty in Canada through research, teaching and action that promotes systems change.” Read our Year In Review report for some highlights of our work.