The Longest Night of the Year

December 21st was not only the longest but also the coldest night of the year. Despite this, people experiencing homelessness continued to be removed from places of shelter such as transit vehicles and stations into the cold. Granted, such places are not intended or equipped to serve as homeless shelters. At the same time, the response of simply removing people from what is perhaps their only place of refuge during extreme weather is equally untenable and morally wrong.

As a matter of principle and in fulfillment of Calgary and Canada’s human rights obligations, if during life threatening situations, people are taking refuge in places not designed for shelter, there should be an obligation to ensure that they are transferred responsibly to appropriate alternate places of shelter, or allow them to remain until such transfer can be arranged. We call on The City of Calgary to adopt such a policy and process immediately.

Read our call to The City of Calgary here.

Submission to the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy

Read the submission by the Canadian Poverty Institute to the federal government with respect to the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy. Through this brief, we shed light on the intersection of environmental concerns and poverty and offer a critical assessment and recommendations. While the Government of Canada is working to prioritize and strategize Canada’s plan for addressing environmental issues, the Canadian Poverty Institute asks the federal government to consider strategies that would inform equitable policy, speak to the inter-connected nature of the environment and poverty, and plan for long-term sustainability for all Canadians.

Read our Submission here.

Opinion: Poverty, power and the skyrocketing cost of utilities

When Mary (not her real name) opened her February utility bill, she was shocked. What was normally less than $200 had risen to over $600. A single mom and careful budgeter, Mary was used to making tough choices around where her money went each month. But this meant that even tougher choices were in front of her ...

Read our Editorial in the Calgary Herald on the growing issue of Energy Poverty in Alberta. An initiative of the Energy Poverty Roundtable.

Break the Bias

March 8, 2022 is International Women’s Day, and it is themed #breakthebias! International Women’s Day is set aside each year to draw attention to women’s challenges in both the private and public domain, take stock of the progress achieved and reflect on the work still to be done. Read the reflection by CPI Senior Researcher Dr. Rita Yembilah on the connection between gender and poverty. Read here.