Research Reports and articles

Inclusive Business Practices for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Addressing Barriers and Building Capacity (2025). Report by the New Economy Roundtable.

Innovative Practices in Fair Access to Insurance (2025). Report by the Fair Access to Insurance Roundtable.

The Poverty of Risk: Toward an Inclusive Insurance Strategy for Canada. (2023). A Report by the Fair Access to Insurance Roundtable.

Calgary Hailstorm Impact Report. (2023) Final report of the study examining the community impacts of the 202o Calgary hailstorm. Prepared for The Co-operators.

Cook, D. (2022). The ART of Hope: Healing the Wounded City. Toronto: Tyndale Academic Press.

The Psycho-Social Impacts of Covid 19. (2022) A review of literature prepared for the United Way of Calgary and Area.

The State of Calgary’s Emergency Food Assistance System. (2022) Update to the 2020 report to Vibrant Communities Calgary.

Cook, D. (2021). “Abundance, Resilience and Trust: A New Framework for Social Inclusion.Handbook of Social Inclusion. Research and Practices in Health and Social Sciences, Liamputtong, P. (Ed). Singapore: Springer Press.

Cresswell, J., H. Tamlin and A. Hoppe, (2021). “Experiencing visions of Canadian church workers: Exploring the mentality fueling systems involved in poverty reduction.” Journal of Community Psychology. March, 2021.

Reize, N., Stovell, B., & Toffelmire, C. (2021). Human Flourishing and a Theology of Poverty Alleviation. International Journal of Public Theology, 15(2), 177-196.

Examining Calgary’s Emergency Food System Response to Covid 19 (2020). Evaluation report prepared for Vibrant Communities Calgary.

Townshend, I., Cook, D. and Miller, B. (2020). “Neighbourhood Change in Calgary:  Social and Spatial Restructuring Within a Three Cities Context.” Changing Neighbourhoods:  Social and Spatial Polarization in Canada’s Cities.  J. Grant, A. Walks, & H. Ramos [eds]. Vancouver: UBC Press.

Justice Sector Services Coordination for the Socio-Legally Disadvantaged: Strategic Directions for Enhanced Access to Justice. (2018). Final report of the Justice Services Sector Coordination Project for the Law Foundation of Ontario.

Poverty and the New Economy: Opportunities and Challenges for Ontario. (2018) - Final report of the Poverty and the New Economy project examining the impact of shifts in the employment landscape on poverty in Ontario, as well as the potential for new business models to create a more inclusive economy. August 2019 This project was made possible through the generous support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

A Multi-Dimensional Definition of Child Poverty. (2017) Final report of the Child Poverty Project.

Yembilah, R. and C. Lamb (2017) Rights, Capabilities and Obligations: New Perspectives on Child Poverty in Calgary. Calgary: Canadian Poverty Institute, Ambrose University.

Yembilah, R. and C. Lamb (2016). Planning to Eliminate Child Poverty: Thematic Overview of Child Poverty Policy in Canada. Calgary: Ambrose University, Canadian Poverty Institute.

Bailey-Lynch, D. (2016). The Influence of Policy on Childhood Poverty in Selected Provinces in Canada. Calgary: Ambrose University, Canadian Poverty Institute.