Racism and Poverty: The Material, Social and Spiritual Scars of Discrimination

A Reflection on the 60TH Anniversary of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

Sixty years ago, the United Nations adopted the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. This was a landmark document that affirmed the dignity, equality and inherent rights of all people regardless of racial identity. As stated in the Convention “… any doctrine of superiority based on racial differentiation is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous, and there is no justification for racial discrimination, in theory or in practice, anywhere …” The Convention goes on to state that “…the existence of racial barriers is repugnant to the ideals of any human society…”.

Despite sixty years of progress, ideologies of racial superiority remain entrenched and seem to be resurgent. At the same time, efforts designed to combat racism and reduce racial inequalities are increasingly under attack and many are being dismantled. As we mark the 60th anniversary of this important document, we find that it is more relevant and necessary than ever.

Racial discrimination is deeply connected with the condition of poverty. The Canadian Poverty Institute understands poverty to be a multi-faceted condition, with material, social and spiritual dimensions. Racism is embedded within all three of those dimensions of poverty.

  • Material Poverty: Material poverty is the most visible form of poverty. It involves serious deprivations of the resources required to live a dignified life where one is able to develop to their fullest potential. Inadequate income, lack of work, food insecurity, unstable housing or homelessness are all manifestations of material poverty. Not only does this impact people in the present, it also sets in motion the conditions for intergenerational poverty due to the effects of poverty on child development.

Racialized persons continue to experience disproportionately higher rates of material poverty due to both overt and structural discrimination. But racism does not just compromise the material well-being of those who are victimized by it; all of society is also made poorer from it. When some people are denied the opportunity to fully develop their gifts and potential, everyone is deprived of the contributions they would have made. Further, diversity is an important aspect of resilience in both our organizations and broader society. To the extent that racism interferes with our ability to integrate diverse perspectives and gifts, our resilience is compromised, and we are all left weaker and more vulnerable.

  • Social Poverty: Social poverty involves disconnection from the community and broader social networks. Where racial discrimination and stereotypes interfere with people’s ability to fully participate in the life of the community, isolation and loneliness sets in. This has profound impacts on mental and physical health. Social disconnection also intersects with material poverty as it separates people from important networks of support and access to resources that such networks provide. Social poverty is also manifested in a sense of powerlessness that erodes trust and leads to reduced social cohesion. This too has profound implications for our collective resilience as a society. As stated in the International Covenant “… discrimination between human beings on the grounds of race, colour or ethnic origin is an obstacle to friendly and peaceful relations among nations and is capable of disturbing peace and security among peoples and the harmony of persons living side by side even within one and the same State …

  • Spiritual Poverty: Spiritual poverty involves a loss of meaning and purpose in life, accompanied by a lack of dignity and hope. Racism works to dehumanize people and strip them of their dignity and hope, imposing false identities warped by stereotypes. This insidious aspect of racism affects all people, not just those who are the targets of racism. Ideologies of racial superiority warp the self-understanding and perceived purpose of those who identify with the supposedly superior group. This is a profound misunderstanding of the human condition, our shared humanity, and indeed the very purpose of human civilization.

In this, the 60th year of the global agreement to end racial discrimination, efforts to do just that are under increasing attack. Backlash against measures to encourage diversity, equity and inclusion threaten to undermine decades of progress. This represents a deep misunderstanding of the purpose of such efforts. Rather than being seen as measures to help “others”, we must recognize that the work to build an inclusive society is imperative for the wellbeing of everyone. Only by embracing the richness of our diversity will the abundance present in our shared humanity and the incredible gifts of the human spirit be unleashed. Without this we are all poorer: materially, socially and spiritually.

Derek Cook, Director - Canadian Poverty Institute